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52 Rue d'Emerainville 77183 Croissy-Beaubourg

Monitoring computing and industrial technical alarms.

The software of technical monitoring of the alarms is a tool of surveillance(supervision) and control allowing to oversee at a distance(remotely) all the communicating equipments which possess an internet, Web, network connection, gsm, in every type(chap) of environment: room waiter(server), technical premises(places), dated to center; etc….
How well oversee the alarms technique, its installations, that they are grouped(included) and distributed on one or several sites, an answer: the software on-site MEMOGuard installable or to use in SaaS; will allow you to centralize all your technical alarms and industrial technical alerts, whatever is the protocol.

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Monitoring computing of the real time technical alarms with a centralized warning device.

From only one console déportable so necessary on a simple smartphone or tablet, you can visualize(display) your sites, and all the installations which depend on it: heating, temperature, networks, lighting, dry contacts, cameras IP, etc. etc. He(it) is going to say it to itself, that all this évènemets will be centralized for later analysis either interventions to be planned.
The system is well beyond the simple management assisted by a computer, because according to scripts planned in advance, he can react and allow to interact on the installations of some nature, because they are, by acquittals(payments), doubles-acquittals(doubles-payments,copies-acquittals), direct calls(appeals) either automatic gettings in touch.
So at any time the on-call operator, is going to be able to make sure and verify by simple pictures, synthetic, that the set(group) works correctly and that its systems are not unsettled(disturbed) (continuation(suite) for example in a simple electric power cut).
MEMOGuard gets back the information of a set of layers software allowing of centralized the monitoring of the technical, IT alarms or the manufacturers. Our tool of control and surveillance offers a unique management interface of the alerts for the operator of guard and imposed, allows to manage the set of the information from the various equipments, technique, computing, manufacturer, automaton, Technical Management Centralized, Technical Management Building.
The software of technical monitoring of the alarms is a tool of surveillance and control allowing to oversee at a distance all the communicating equipments which possess an internet, Web, network connection, gsm, in every type of environment: room waiter, technical premises, dated center; etc….

Our platform of technical monitoring of alarms, MEMOGuard facilitates the load(responsibility) work of the staff of guard(guarding,nurse) and penalty having for mission to assure(insure) a continuity of services(departments): equipments, applications; system and materials(equipments); etc. and avoid so any stop(ruling) of the production line.

You can send alarms via the GSM or the connection platform of CLEVER Technologies, either still send vocal messages on the fixed lines to make an acquittal(payment) by code and / double acquittal(payment) at the end of intervention and see with the complete version to realize of the joining end to end.
The software transfer the alerts SMS email via a modem GSM and a SIM card in the case an incident would arise in the production line or on information systems.
For a remote surveillance(supervision) IP, and it 7j / 7 and 24 hours a day used the software monitoring pc MEMOGuard SaaS, the software recovers and transfer alarm him(it) IP in SMS and the diffuse in SMS on a group people, in messages vocal on a fixed line or on desired media.
MEMOGuard distributes the alarms between several on-call agents by using one of the fashions of communication planned and available, with a dynamic distribution(casting) of the alarms, based on the activity and the availability every operator. The alarms can be postponed and exchanged between the operators according to their intervention, absence.
Every alarm is recorded in a newspaper which indicates all the actions realized by the on-call operator (numberings, faxes, messages of acquittal). There are no limits among recorded actions.
It is a help to the exploitation of the site that gathers in a control panel, a list of equipments and their state. A code colors allows to identify well the states of alarm.

The management monitoring computing of alarms:

  • Acquittal(Payment): the on-call operator “gives evidence” that he saw, and took care of alarm.
  • Display(Posting) of instructions(deposits): according to the alarm and to his(her) type(chap), the list of the operations to be made displays to indicate to the on-call operator what he has to make: call fire brigades, cut the electricity, to boost(relaunch) the systems, etc.
  • Levying of the handled alarms: deactivation of the alarm on the list

Example: during a power break, the operator verifies at first that the cut is effective, then he reads the instructions(deposits), and he can then wait that everything returned to the normal state either to decide to raise the alarm and so to remove it of the list.

Some characteristics:

  • New Web interface of Monitoring
  • Centralization and supervision of the alarms monitoring technical Alarms monitoring of the Alarms intrusion
  • Monitoring of Fire alarms
  • Management of the Access controls
  • Video surveillance
  • Automatons of monitoring
  • Multiple communication protocols
  • Master’s degree / Backup to reassure(secure) her(it) the data
  • Local / distant management via Web interface
  • Access via all the networks and the support(medium) (PC – Internet – Smartphone)

System of monitoring of technical alarm: specialist of the alert with a software of monitoring to watch your remote equipments and in a centralized way.
More : alert monitoring by SMS