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Beeper Radio paging:  transfer of the alarms on Beeper ( Paging)

Simple reminder(abseiling), the Beeper Radio paging or Paging in English, is a service(department) of sending of messages using the low frequency, via radio protocols, very used in the past by the world of the sailors. Messages can be (coded) digital or alphanumeric, but they are unidirectional, in contrario of the bidirectional GSM. The advantage is to be able to join(contact) an individual, where the signal of the GSM will not reach there, that is why it keeps(guards) an interest in the world of the on-call management, the limit is that Pageur or Beeper can only receive messages.

Sommaire de l'article

Transfer of alarms on the beepers of radio paging

The publisher CLEVER Technologies wishes to pursue the integration of the tools of radio paging, Pageurs or Beepers in his range of solutions of management of the alerts with penalty; Beeper Radio paging or Pageurs are equipments very used in the jobs by the alert to follow in real time the alarms activated by the set of the connected systems. Therefore, the assets of the solution MEMOGuard allow the users to acquit and double to acquit the reception of a message. The joining end to end is possible for the getting in touch of the speakers.
Clever Technologies ® integrates all the protocols of Beeper radio paging to offer the possibility to their customers to receive messages on the set of the radio receivers of the market. “The interest of power to communicate, via the networks of beeper radio paging, establishes a fundamental point in the wish to have a comprehensive coverage on the set of the mobile means of communication”,

Transfer of warning messages on radio paging

The software of management of the teams of guard imposed MEMOGuard ® of the software publisher Clever Technologies ® proposes to the professionals of the industry and to all those whose activity is bound to urgent interventions: fire brigades, EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE, safety, … of manager and to oversee the agents of guard and penalties. The users of this software can receive from now on the messages of request of intervention or alerts on pager.
This novelty brings to the users of Beeper Radio paging the possibility of benefiting from an additional reassurance in the management of the urgency. Indeed, the network of radio paging of e*Message is reassured, available and reliable: it is only used by professionals such as nuclear power plants, industries at risks, hospital centers, fire brigade

Protocols beeper radio paging ( Paging):

  • ERMES who means European Radio Messaging System
  • POCSAG, developed enters by post British dou the name of the Comment Standardization Advisory Group service Code;
  • FLEX, developed by the manufacturer Motorola. it evolved in REFLEX then inflection
  • TAP, Telelocator Alphanumeric Protocol
  • Eurosignal;
  • Salcom, network of radio paging JTECH
  • Radio dated system ( RDS), besides its basic functions of help to the listeners of the radio FM, proposes a complete system of radio paging;
  • MBS, of Swedish origin, whose process of modulation was resumed(taken back) for the RDS.