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52 Rue d'Emerainville 77183 Croissy-Beaubourg

Municipal crisis unit and emergency Communication plan

The municipal crisis unit is capable of reacting in case of grave events or of major risks (natural, technological, of collective transport). His(her,its) constitution allows the Local authority to make the decisions and to act with capacities(measures) the best adapted to the context and to the situation.

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Role of the municipal crisis unit for the risk management

The crisis management unit must be able to advise(recommend) and propose to the decision-maker (Elected, territorial Frames(Executives)) the concrete actions(shares) has to apply to limit the disaster, the Community having for obligation(bond) to reassure(secure) and to protect the populations with Plans of Risk prevention. The team which manage the Crisis unit has to be the point for an efficiency optimum during the management of Event.

Who can manager and make up(compose) the PCC ( Municipal Headquarter) of the Municipal Crisis unit?

The number of representative of the municipal crisis unit owes be sized according to the situation and to the degree of risks. The principle of a crisis unit being that every job(business) can be represented with a person in charge and so throw(launch) operations with the capacity to intervene within this unity(unit).

The municipal crisis unit is often established(constituted) by the following representatives:

– The Chief Operating Officer of Protection(Saving) (BACK): Mr Mayor,
– The elected representative in charge of the communication,
– The Person in charge of the Municipal Actions(Shares): head office(executive management) of the Services(Departments),
– Commander(Major) of the Relief operations (BUILDING TO PLOT RATIO): director(manager) of the SDIS,
– Limited participants identified in the services so allowing their representativeness within the entity technical Services, Service of schools;
– A binomial allowing a rotation to hold the secretarial department(secretariat) of the cell(unit) (administrative personnel).
It is advisable that the Municipal Crisis unit is established(constituted) by a reduced number of participants because more the number is important more the decision-making is long. As possible you would not should exceed(irritate) 10 people, the judgment(sentence) has to be fast in front of the situation and the multiplication(increase) of the participants(speakers) slows down the decision-making.
More information about our solution of alert by SMS which allows to warn(prevent) the population with a short and fast message to be understood(included). It is the system of multimodal alert that delivers messages on all the existing media: emails, faxes, vocal messages, pagers, pregnant, SMS, radios 5 tones.
Management Crisis Unit